Everyone is at Risk for COVID-19, but here are a Few Tips that Might Help
There are no guarantees for any of us regarding the coronavirus, even for the non-smokers, and those of us who eat mostly whole food plant
There are no guarantees for any of us regarding the coronavirus, even for the non-smokers, and those of us who eat mostly whole food plant
I just watched a video clip of a Dr. Travis Stork from a popular TV show called “The Doctors”, saying that cheese is good for
Are you looking for another reason to avoid animal products? Consider IGF-1. Animal protein is linked to an increased risk of cancer for a variety
Heart Disease is a Choice, and it Starts in Childhood: Fatty streaks, the first stage of atherosclerosis, were found in the arteries of 100% of
My two favorite acronyms are SAD (Standard American Diet) and CRAP (Calorie Rich And Processed). Today, 71 percent of American adults are overweight and 40